About Me

South Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
We are the neighbours of the "Chilterns Water Mill" - featured on the episode of Grand Designs first broadcast on the 4th February 2009. We were asked to take part in the programme, but were strongly advised not to due to the extremely serious nature of allegations we have made against South Oxfordshire District Council - including improper conduct on the part of specific employees and councillors. The council is currently under investigation by the Local Government Ombudsman and the Standards Board for England. If anyone is serious about wanting to know details of the allegations or a fuller account of what has gone on - email me (from an address I can identify please) and we might talk further.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Another photo

In case the photographs already posted have not convinced you - here is an additional one that gives a slightly wider context. Remember that the original planning permission (which was the one we were aware of when we bought the property) - stated that all the windows in the side facing our house would be "below the level of the adjoining property". This means of course that from where this photo is taken - you should barely be able to see the roof of the "Water Mill". Sorry for the quality - taken on a mobile phone today!

1 comment:

  1. If all the windows were supposed to be below your property, it would have been a hobbit house what you are stating just does not make sense.
    You should never have bought knowing you were going to be built against anyway.
    Probably why you got it cheap.
